Gospel Life Classes

A Sunday School Ministry of CCC

Gospel Life Classes is a time set aside on Sunday mornings from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm for the people of God to encounter the risen Christ through a holistic study of Scripture and to encounter relationships with one another through small group discussion in the class.

Join us for a series on God’s thoughts. A.W. Tozer said, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” We want to explore what God has to say about himself, man, his Son, salvation, grace, sanctification, and a number of other topics that are foundational to our Christian faith through the study of scripture. Our beliefs about God forms who we are as his disciples and equips us as we obey the Great Commission to make disciples. Theology is also what fuels our passion to worship God in Spirit and Truth.

We invite you to join us as we embark on this journey together as the people of God to pursue Jesus and the flourishing life He has called us to.

This Month's Focus

Intro to Salvation. Election. Foreknowledge. Atonement. Regeneration, Conversion. Justification. Sanctification & Glorification.

Class Descriptions

Click the “+” below to see the class description.


For this age group, we are laying the basic foundations of understanding God’s ways and living with others in God’s big world.

Location: Nursery

Combining basic Bible truths with love, encouragement, and creative activities, we continue to develop a child’s understanding of their family, their world, and the One who made them all.

Location: Nursery

Applying simple understandings of God’s truths to the task of character development and social interactions helps ground this age group for growth in the years ahead.

Location: Chapel

Our goal for this age group is to shepherd these kids into developing their own bible-based understanding of who God is, of who they are and who God intends them to become.

Location: Summit

Encouraging young minds and hearts in the truths of God’s word so they can see themselves, their family, and their friends in light of God’s good design for them.

Location: C3 Youth Center

Developing a stable, biblically rooted base of truth, fun and friendships is what prepares this group to stand firm for Jesus against the competing voices of their world.

Location: C3 Youth Center

This space is designed for children who thrive in a smaller group setting and benefit from a structured environment with a predictable schedule. Lessons parallel those taught in the large group areas, but are specialized for children that may learn at different paces.

Location: Crown Room


Growing together in God-honoring marriage and as couples in deep fellowship with each other is the heart that drives this scriptural study.

Location: Room C7, C8, C9, C11, C12

If Spanish is your first language, set aside some time on Sunday mornings to encounter the risen Christ through a holistic study of Scripture and to encounter relationships with one another through small group discussion in this special class designed for the Hispanic community.

Únase a nosotros los domingos en la mañana para encontrar al Señor Jesucristo a través de un estudio profundo de las Escrituras y establecer relaciones mediante nuestras discusiones en grupo, en esta clase especialmente diseñada para la comunidad hispana.

Location: Room C5

This group is united by the shared desire to understand and apply God’s word to the opportunities and callings of the “empty-nest” phase of life.

Location: Innovation Center/Library

Study the scriptures together with all ages in this highly interactive, discussion-driven family of students, singles, married, divorced or widowed brothers and sisters growing in Christ.

Location: Multipurpose Room

You’ll love unpacking the scriptures and the close fellowship of encouraging, like-minded Christians maturing together in their Christian walk.

Location: Parlor

A space for those ages 18-23 to connect, find community, and study God’s Word together.

Location: C6

All ages are welcome to grow in Scriptures with this vibrant multi-aged group.

Location: Choir Room

All are welcome to this new intergenerational GLC as we pursue Jesus together with a group discussion and interactive format.

Location: C4

Enjoy in-depth study of scriptures with our seniors group.

Location: Hospitality Suite

This group is where adults with special needs can find community and grow in their knowledge of God’s Word through a variety of study methods and activities.

Location: Room D2